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Magickal and Medicinal Uses: Calendula 101

Writer's picture: Charlotte ☥ MoonCharlotte ☥ Moon

Other Names: marigold, pot marigold, garden marigold, holigold, mary bud.

Calendula is a Mediterranean annual that has become a popular garden plant in much of the world. It has pale green leaves and bright yellow or orange ray blooms at the top of long single stalks that keep going from spring to autumn. Leaves are pale green, slightly hairy and long and narrow, but wider and rounded at the end. The plant is branchy, slightly sticky and aromatic. Calendula grows about a foot tall, though flower stalks can be taller if it’s really happy.

Calendula has been revered as a magical medicinal for centuries as well. Ancient Egyptians used Calendula to rejuvenate their skin. The Greeks and Romans used it as a culinary garnish. In ancient as well as modern India, Calendula is often strung into garlands for weddings and religious rituals. Powers of protection and prophecy have been attributed to calendula. Strewing Calendula under your bed was said to offer you protection from robbers and thieves and to induce prophetic dreams if you had been robbed, helping you to identify the culprit. When dealing with legal matters, it was considered wise to carry a bit of calendula in your pocket to ensure a positive outcome. Bathing in Calendula infusion was thought to give one a healthy, sunny glow that would draw admiration and respect from one’s community.

- Medical Properties -

Composition: Calendula includes the flower heads and petals of the plant, which contain triterpene glycosides and aglycones, as well as carotenoids and essential oils.

Parts Used: Whole flowers (be sure to use the entire flower head, including the green base, rather than the petals alone)

  • anti-inflammatory

  • antibacterial

  • antiseptic

  • anti-fungal

  • antioxidant

  • immune support

  • lymphagogue

  • vulnerary

  • emmenagogue

  • cholagogue

- Holistic Uses -

  • Poorly healing wounds

  • Venous insufficiency

  • Inflammation & Swelling

  • Acne & Eczema

  • Surgical wounds

  • Rashes, stings, wounds, Insect bites, and burns

  • Scrapes, bruises, and abrasions

  • Chickenpox

  • Cold sores

  • Cracked nipples from breastfeeding

  • Diaper rash

  • Thrush (mouthwash)

  • Bleeding gums (mouthwash)

  • Stimulates menstrual flow

  • T stimulate bile

  • Peptic ulcers

  • Acute or chronically swollen lymph nodes resulting from respiratory infections, localised infections

  • Builds immunity by helping to prevent infection through activation of the lymphatic system

Medicinal Preparations: Tea, tincture, infused oil, salve, broth, compress, poultice, vaginal douches and suppositories, baths.

- Magickal Properties -

Magickal Associations: Sun Gods

Gender: Masculine Planet: Sun Element: Fire

Calendula is used to bring comfort to those who are nervous and prone to fear, as well as those who have gone through a profound shock or trauma to the system. It is used to temper anger and rash behaviour. Calendula can also be used to encourage emotional warmth and tolerance, compassion and the ability to truly listen to what others are saying quite vital to those of us in the healing arts as what our patients don't say is often just as important as what they do say.

  • Consecration

  • Protection

  • Prophecy

  • Sun energy

  • Beauty and youth

  • Healing

  • Strength

  • Positive outcomes

  • Reclaiming boundaries

  • Nurturing potential

  • Wealth

  • Love spells

  • Marriage

  • Spiritual growth

  • Legal matters

- Simple Spells -

  • Garlands of Calendula are used as a protective charm.

  • The blossoms can be used for protection against nightmares.

  • Scatter under your bed to protect yourself from robbers and thieves.

  • Put under your pillow to give you prophetic dreams.

  • Carry in your pocket when facing legal matters to encourage a positive outcome.

  • Cast into the fire on the summer solstice to illuminate your spiritual journey.

  • Dried petals can be strewn to consecrate an area or burned in consecration incense. They are also a good addition to dream pillows.

  • Wreaths of Calendula hung over a door are said to keep evil and negativity from entering.

It is the traditional “he loves me, he loves me not” flower and is useful for love potions.

Disclaimer: Please note that I am a not medical professional and everything written here is a product of my own research. Don’t take any advice given here over that of a trained doctor. If you ingest any herbs, always make sure that you’re 100% sure that they’re safe. If you’re pregnant or giving to a child, always consult a doctor before ingesting herbs and plant you aren’t familiar with. Magickal instruction and spells are for personal entertainment purposes only. The desired result/outcome cannot be guaranteed as a result of using any magickal item, and should not be used as a replacement for medical/professional assistance.



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