Care Instructions:
Reiki energy will cleanse and energise your crystals. Simply hold the crystal in your hand or use the mental/emotional symbol over your crystals.
The Moon
A full moon and a new moon are especially powerful for cleansing and recharging your stones. You can place them outside or on a windowsill at these times. Even if it is a cloudy night, the moon's rays will still energise the stones.
The Sun
The sun is also a very strong energetic way to cleanse your stones. Even when it is cloudy, the sun's rays will still energise the stones. Be careful though, as some stones will fade in the sunlight.
Mother Earth
Gemstones & Crystals come from the earth, so placing them directly into the earth will naturally cleanse all negative energies and re-energise them. I suggest you leave them for approximately 24 hours. If the stones are set, or strung into jewellery, it is best to gently cover them with a cloth first, so that small bits of dirt don't get into the fastenings etc.
Running Water
Holding your gemstones under clear, purified water will cleanse and recharge them. Do not use ordinary tap water. Some stones should not be immersed in water, so if you are unsure whether your stones are water safe, use a different cleansing method.
Salt Water
I find this to be harsh on some of the softer stones. Only use this method on harder stones, and (as with the running water), if you are unsure whether your stones are water safe, use a different cleansing method. Place some natural sea salt into a glass bowl, add purified water and your gemstones. Leave for approximately 24 hours and then gently pat dry, or leave to air dry.
Smudging is a very efficient way of cleansing gemstones. You can use sage , sweet grass, cedar, Lavender, sandalwood or even incense to smudge your crystals. Simply burn the smudge stick or incense and pass your stones through the smoke. This will clear the stones of all negative energy.
Singing Bowl
If the stones are small you may put them into the singing bowl. Place bigger stones close to the bowl, then set your intentions and play the bowl for a few minutes.
Using Your Intention
Focus your mental energies on your crystals and ask the Universe, or your Angels, to cleanse the stones of all negative energies and to re-energise them for their maximum potential. Always thank the Universe, and/or your Angels, after doing this.
Other Crystals
Placing your stones on a large quartz cluster or Selenite will clear negative energies and re-energise the stones. However you must remember to regularly cleanse and re-energise the quartz cluster to ensure it retains its cleansing and re-energising powers.
Tumbled Hematite
History & Folklore
Magical & Medicinal Properties:
Hematite is a very common mineral consisting of iron oxide. Its colour ranges from steel gray to almost black (specular hematite), brown to reddish brown, or red. The variety known as rainbow hematite exhibits colours similar to oil patches on water. The drusy form of rainbow hematite is quite fragile and is usually backed with a quartz material to increase the stone's durability.
While the forms vary, they all have a rust-red streak. Hematite is harder than pure iron, but it is much more brittle.
The name hematite is derived from the Greek word haimatites for blood.
It is mined in Australia, Brazil (rainbow variety), England, Mexico, the United States and Canada. It is the state mineral of Alabama, USA where approximately 375 million tons were mined between l840 and 1975.
Hematite (iron ore) is a very common mineral on Earth and it also occurs everywhere on the planet Mars where it is responsible for the planet's distinctive red colour. It was first identified on Mars by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES), aboard Mars Global Surveyor.
Archeological studies indicate that hematite was first used over 164,000 years ago by Pinnacle Point man, the name given to ancient Stone Age man living in the vicinity of present day South Africa. Hematite was used in its powdered form as a chalk for writing and drawing on cave walls. Traces of hematite have also been found in graveyards from 80,000 years ago. Continuing hematite’s rich history, hematite chalk mines have been found that are dated from 5,000 BC.
It’s said the ancient Egyptians used hematite to stop bleeding, and included amulets of the mineral in their tombs. Hematite was refered to as a “blood stone” in the Middle Ages for the red tinge left in water when it was washed during polishing, as if the stone itself bled. The red powdered form of hematite was used by Native Americans, and folklore indicated that it would make the warriors invincible in battle. Later, during the 18th and 19th centuries, hematite was used in jewelry, to be worn during mourning.
NASA spacecraft orbiting Mars and roving the surface have found hematite in abundance at two sites on the planet, Terra Meridiani and Aram Chaos.